Full Name (First, Last) |
Company Name, if any |
Street Address |
City |
Postal Code |
Country |
Telephone Number (Home) |
Telephone Number (Mobile) |
E-mail Address |
Date of Birth |
Are you interested in Introducing Broker opportunities for yourself or for your Company? |
My Company will act as IB
I will personally act as IB
How would you describe your current position as an Introducing Broker or Market participant? |
Beginner - Starting to explore opportunities and gather Information
Intermediate - Have begun to build business / obtain clients
Advanced - I have an existing business with clients currently trading
If 'Advanced' what is your estimate of your clients' current monthly trading volume? |
USD per month |
What is the website address of your business, if any? |
http:// |
What other information can you provide us about your existing business and goals with GCI? |
Any other questions or comments? |
Where did you hear about GCI? |